
Bodnant Community School, Prestatyn

Bodnant Community School is a large primary school with 400+ pupils from 3 years to 11 years. They have 17 teachers and 15 support staff. They believe it is so important for the pupils to see how small the world actually is, how close they are to our European friends, and how easy it can be to share stories, experiences and friendships with each other. Although they teach their pupils about different countries, cultures etc, nothing can beat working with their peers in those other countries, either meeting them face to face or via the internet or letters. 

The School has Student Parliament, where the pupils are involved in School Life. Each class votes for a representative to be their class councillor. Then these children have weekly meetings, sometimes with headteacher, sometimes the governons on events they would like the school to do, or write to companies for equipment that the school need etc.

In the project, they want to inspire working parliaments in Europe and strengthen pupils' involvement in the school. 

© Erasmus+ 2019
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